exchange policy

Our product exchange policy aims to provide the customer with total security in relation to the products purchased in our store . All our products are guaranteed against manufacturing defects. We also carry out exchanges of products that came different from the one ordered by the customer. If you receive a product from us with any manufacturing defect or different from what you ordered follow these steps to perform the exchange:

  1. Please inform our team about the problem via our email ( ), sending you clear photos or videos of the defective product or the wrong product you received, within 3 days of receipt. Attention, we will not make exchanges or refunds after this period.
  2. Your complaint will be analyzed in a maximum of 2 working days and, once the problem is verified, we will contact you via email and you can choose one of the following alternatives :
  • Receive a refund of the amount paid.
  • Receive a new product like the one ordered.
  • Receive a product of similar value.
  • Receive a coupon with the value of the product to use on future purchases.

We will not exchange products that are inappropriate for the customer:

We provide the measurements in centimeters of our products so there is no mistake in choosing the size. According to the Consumer Protection Code - Article 18 , there is no legal obligation on the shopkeeper to make exchanges for reasons of consumer regret regarding color, size, model, or any other hypothesis. The right guaranteed to the customer by the consumer protection code is to make exchanges only in case of defective products.